Strenx 'Grilled': "[Cooller's] like a pacman" (Episode #18) Thooorin 21:36 12 years ago 24 502 Далее Скачать
Cooller vs Strenx last 28 secs + OT of deciding game at IEM5 semifinal GamesWorldru 7:46 13 years ago 50 649 Далее Скачать
ESL Classics: Cooller vs. strenx - Semi Final - IEM CeBIT 2011 - Quake Live ESL 1:13:11 11 years ago 10 960 Далее Скачать
Awkward interview with Quake legends Cooller and Strenx 80smullet 4:12 7 years ago 16 555 Далее Скачать
fnatic MSI Beat-IT tourney: strenx interview after eliminating Cooller Level Up TV 6:44 13 years ago 515 Далее Скачать
FACEIT Sunday Cup #21 - Cooller vs Strenx - SemiFinals ThisIsZoot 33:22 11 years ago 9 307 Далее Скачать